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Business coaching for rule breakers with heart and soul

I believe when good women make good money they can change the world. My mission is to teach women to earn more, live well, reclaim their freedom, and unwrite all the old masculine paradigm rules around money and success in business.


From day one, operating my coaching business from a place of service first has been top priority for me. It is my purpose to serve, lift, and empower my clients to live the lives they can only dream of, by building businesses that give them mind-blowing income and freedom in their schedule. 
 Around here, we believe it doesn't have to be complicated, we don't have to continue buying into the lies that tell us we have to hustle, overcomplicate and work long hours to grow a business that is both powerful and profitable. It's time to break the rules.

If you're looking to level up your business, you're in the right place. 

 In my world, we recognize that there isn't a set of steps to follow to reach success. There are many different paths to your million dollar business, and your strategy to get there matters just as much as who you BECOME in the process. We don't do blanket business advice, we focus on alignment, heart, and what is going to actually work for you

What I do...

I am a mama, a wife, and a heart-led business coach. I truly believe in building a business that works for you, not the other way around. I want to take all of the knowledge, skills, and insight I have learned in building a multi-six figure coaching business in 12 months time working 4-5 hours a day, and guide you in creating your own business, that is better than your wildest dreams. I am here to empower you, because it is my deepest belief that there is nothing more powerful than women lifting up other women, and that it's time for us to create a new paradigm for success. When I win, you win, we all win, and together we rise.

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The best (I might be a little biased) podcast out there for the female entrepreneur who is craving not just weekly doses of implementable strategy, but deep energetic conversations and incredible guest experts.

The Soulful CEO Podcast

Start here:

Read my feature in GOSS magazine

I am so excited to share my feature in Issue No. 16 of GOSS magazine. Inside my article, I share my story of going from filing for unemployment to making multi-six figures in my first year of business!

Featured in:

yes, coach me

You don't just desire a profitable business, but an incredible life. You know you are capable of building this dream, but want to collapse time around it. You know it doesn't have to be complicated and want to create a business on your own terms. You need a coach who can mix the woo with the work, the energetics with the strategy...

Let's Get Together

my coaching offerings

Success Stories


-Alex, Spiritual Coach

"I want to tell Katy THANK YOU I feel a massive energetic shift right now, I literally started from $0 and scaled to $10k months with her, I feel like she's my fairy godmother, just saying…”

work with me

Ready to go all in? Let's work together.

In this free masterclass I am breaking down exactly how I have made half a million dollars in sales in only 20 hours a week this year alone. I teach you every piece of my business ecosystem in this course, and it's free!

Booked Out Business Free Mini-Course

Steal This!



Five-days of Instagram content

it's not free CROISSANTS, but it's damn close:

In this free download I am giving you a behind the scenes look and daily prompts for a week of high-converting content.

Free download: