here's the thing...
Huge quantum leaps are possible. If I can do it you sure as hell can too.
In the beginning stages of business it is so easy to get stuck in the masculine energy of learning every strategy, working your ass off, and feeling like you have to do more, be more perfect, learn the next shiny thing that is going to move the needle for you. You've enrolled in a million and one courses, and you're ready for more.
Ready for higher access to a mentor who has done it, ready to learn what it actually takes to scale without burnout.
There comes a time when it's time to stop taking in information, and to step into the transformation.
You have to step into the unwavering energy of being that woman who confidently raises her prices, makes sales with absolute ease, hits her income goals, and crushes it with her clients.
You have to change who you show up as every single day. You have to start focusing on elevating your strategy, elevating your energy, and elevating your beliefs about what is possible for you.