Welcome to

The Experience. For the woman who is all in.

The Experience is my high-level all access pass. All of the business strategy for your six to multi-six figure business and all of deep spiritual work to catapult you into your highest timeline and embodiment of your soul gifts. 

So what's inside?

There is a new way being paved within the world of online business, feeling the pull?

This is a year long sacred business immersion for the woman who is ready to begin building a business centered around soul gifts who wants to learn the simple, simple strategy behind scaling to six and multi-six figures all while tapping into her ancient, divine, feminine wisdom. You are ready for a new paradigm of feminine business. 

The Experience is all of the strategy + all of the witchy and magical. It includes The Method and The Spiritual Toolbox, plus support with Katy. 

Let's start with the basics

join here

The Experience is a year-long sacred business immersion where you will get every program and course in Katy's world including:

The Method: Over 7 stand alone programs combined into one bundle that cover every single piece of the strategic puzzle from sales to content to offers, launching and more...

The Spiritual Toolbox: Over 25 hours worth of content, activations, meditations, attunements and trainings where you unlock your spiritual gifts, tap into your feminine power, learn to channel your guides and highest self, and come home to your innate ancient wisdom.
Two monthly community group calls with Katy and your Experience sisters

Daily laser coaching inside a telegram broadcast La Conversation that is reserved for The Experience, Mastermind and 1:1 clients only. Drop in daily with questions or requests for energetic riffs and spiritual guidance. 

There was a time when...

The divine feminine was present. When women were plugged into the divine and were able to move through life using their conversations and connections with the non-physical as guides and support. Women were seen as wise and intuitive and powerful. A time when women were seers and oracles and wise women. When women practiced a deep connection to the earth, their intuition, the moon cycles, and bridged the gap between realms. When women weren’t expected to show up like men. To build businesses like men, and to hustle harder and prioritize making money over finding the depth of their power. You get to have both. The sacred and.
There are those of us that continually hear the whisper of, “what’s next for me?” Maybe you currently feel like you do have it all, your business is GREAT, but still, an ancient whisper keeps popping up asking, “so what now?”

Or maybe your business feels frustrating, and sticky. Maybe you haven’t created the abundance you desire, maybe things feel cloudy, maybe you keep wondering what you’re missing, and you too are asking, “so what’s next?”

The answer to that question lies in your remembering.
To come home to yourself. There is something so much deeper available to you. That question of, “what’s next?” Is your soul begging to be acknowledged. Begging for depth.
Your soul is begging to be acknowledged. I know you feel it. Your work now is to answer that ancient whisper. To tap Into your unbridled feminine power, connection, and intuition and uncover and eliminate anything that isn’t in alignment with who you truly are. And to discover what you were truly put here to do, and how you were meant to do it. 

To eliminate all of the noise and the lifetimes of conditioning that stifled your intuition and made you forget your power. 

To tap into the ancient rememberings that will unlock new levels of abundance and peace and joy and balance in your world and business.

Are you ready?

How it works


Every single program for an entire year. This is all the strategy and deep energetic and spiritual work you need to grow a business aligned with your soul gifts that creates incredible financial abundance while honoring you. 

Then tap in

Join us bi-weekly for group community coaching calls. Think of this as, "office hours," with Katy where you get to ask anything on your heart related to your journey and get deep support. 

Daily support

Then you get daily support through your telegram community broadcast. I provide laser coaching and riff requests based off what you drop in the thread. This is invaluable. 

You are so ready

For a new way forward

Learn everything you need to scale to $100k sales months with heart-led strategy

Utilize the power of deep energetics and ancient wisdom to grow and scale a business that feels like home

Create offers from your soul utilizing your soul gifts that have people immediately buying with ease

become the woman who can hold new levels of wealth, clients, and success, self trust and purpose

Leave behind all the old paradigms of what you have been taught around how running a business, "should look"


When I began my business journey four years ago, I realized it was the most soul-altering personal development journey I would ever be on. 

I realized that up until that point I had just been coasting. I had never experienced anything more powerful than the process of becoming. Becoming the woman I was meant to be in this lifetime through discovering myself inside my business. By moving through death portals, facing my shadow, and diving deeper and deeper into my soul gifts, blocks, and fears to come out and back into the light on the other side as a stronger woman and leader. To reclaim my sacred feminine life and my ancient wisdom and lead women all over the world to do the same and create lives better than their wildest dreams.

Fast forward to now and I have it all. Truly, I do. 

I have built a seven figure business from the ground up in less than four years. I am obsessed with my work and my clients. I get to support other incredible women every single day in building their own heart-led businesses.

I have helped countless women hit six and multi-six figures, get to quit toxic corporate careers, be home with their babies and truly reclaim their lives. Saying I love my work is an understatement. 

My husband no longer has to work and we both get to stay home with our beautiful daughter. We live part-time in Paris.

No bosses. No 40 hour work weeks. Money no longer makes decisions for us. Literally, this life is so much better than I ever could have dreamed. 

When I think about it, I have quite literally, “made it.” So why is there STILL a deeper calling? 

There are those of us that continually hear the whisper of, “what’s next for me?”

Those of us who cannot ignore the soul longing for something deeper. You came here with soul gifts and a soul purpose. Ancient wisdom and connection, and just like me, you got to a place where you could no longer ignore it.

The online industry with it's funnels and facebook ads and manipulative marketing tactics and money guns just wasn't doing it for you anymore.
There is a deeper calling within your soul to use your business as a portal. A portal into creating the most deep, connected, authentic and abundant life you can possibly imagine. 

When you are living out your souls purpose, honoring your ancient feminine desire to connect with other realms and to channel diving guidance, honor your intuition and be in community with other women, everything else falls into place. 

The burnout is gone, the comparison is gone, the sticky resistance to your business and making money and showing up online is gone. 

You begin to attract soul-aligned clients who see you for all you are, and who value your work.  You move through your days with grace and peace and joy. Everything just flows. 

This is available to you now, it's time for a new way forward.

- Shannon

"It may sound hyperbolic to say that Katy changed my entire life. How can one coach and one course change your entire trajectory? But it's true"

What exactly are all the programs?

Glad you asked. Here is what you get.

A deep dive into the mystical, magical world of alchemizing your business with spiritual practices and tapping back into your innate feminine wisdom. Inside the spiritual toolbox you get access to over 25 hours of meditations, trainings, activations, and attunements that will allow you to:

+ Create a daily energetic practice of grounding and clearing energy
+Unlock your intuitive gifts and use them to make decisions in your business and for your clients
+ Meet and channel your highest self
+Meet and channel your spirit guides and non-physical help
+Tap into the ancient feminine wisdom of moon cycles, ceremony, ritual and operating a business cyclically
+ Meet and journey through your shadow and learn to embody and embrace your dark feminine energy
+Access meditations and spiritual support around money, clients, personal power, unblocking your voice and gifts and more...

The Spiritual Toolbox

A bundle of every single strategically focused program that make up the five part business ecosystem. These are they key to creating higher income months in your business while doing less. It's simple, repeatable and sustainable heart-forward strategy that has led Katy and her clients to six and multi-six figures. There are multiple programs included inside The Method and all are immediate access. Programs included cover topics such as:

+Growing an aligned audience to maintain a full client pipeline
+Creating magnetic content on social media to call in and warm-up your most soul-aligned clients that takes 30 minutes or less per day
+Selling your offers and programs via instagram stories with in depth sales and buyer psychology to 2-3x your revenue from IG alone
+Simple, repeatable launch, funnel and sales strategy that has created $100k launches for Katy's clients
+Business model and funnel trainings to seamlessly move your most aligned clients from one offer to the next to quickly create recurring revenue in your business
+ Hitting high-income months with a small IG audience
+Becoming an industry leader and standing in radical responsibility as a coach mentor or online business owner

The exact programs are listed here

The Method

A power-packed mini course that takes you through the exact process of hitting high income months with a small (but mighty) instagram following. No more, "but my following isn't big enough," excuses. I hit $100k sales months with less than 2k followers. 

Small But Mighty

The mini-course specifically designed for the woman craving more money in less time. If you have been force fed all the complicated strategies by gurus in the industry, and you're feeling like it's all a little..icky. This will be your palette cleanser. The art of multi-six figures in 20 hours a week, broken down with grace and simplicity. 


A deep dive intensive course that you will walk away from having mastered the art of not just creating content, or batching content (honestly yuck) but creating content that makes you money. When done right, your content should be doing 80% of the work in your sales process.  

High-Converting Content

The course that has been missing from the industry. Inside the teacher you won't learn how to get more clients, or how to market yourself, or grow on instagram, but you will be completely transformed into a coach who is doing a damn good job at coaching her clients. The Teacher is the program where you will learn how to operate a business that actually facilitates results for your clients and keeps them coming back again and again.  

The Teacher

I teach, view, and make sales differently. If your sales process doesn't feel easy, and grounded, and like, "omg I never knew I could sign so many clients so fast..." then this is for you. No cheesy DM scripts, no pushy sales calls, no complicated launches, just stacking monthly revenue from all the dream clients hopping in everyday.

Soulful Sales

For the woman tired of playing it small, and getting small results in return. For the woman tired of being ghosted by potential clients. Tired of the income plateaus. Tired of the rules, and and the confines. She is ready to become that girl. The one who is fearless, the one who speaks her truth, lives out her gifts, and magnetizes dream clients and massive amounts of money like it's her job, because it is. 

Seen and Paid

Inside The Offer Lab you will learn to create products, courses, and programs that people actually want to buy. I often get stripe notifications for courses I am not even selling, because someone went back months and months in their emails and dug around for the link. If people don't want what you're selling that badly, this is for you. Inside TOL we will also examine your product suite and business model as a whole. 

The Offer Lab

and as a bonus..

Access to my entire Method Resource Library

My Instagram growth spreadsheet system to 10x your visibility 

My high-converting content calendar template (aka exactly how I create my content!)

All of my IG sales story prompts to sell out your next offer and never have to wonder what to say

My "framework guide" to teach you exactly how I create my entire ascension model of offers

Every single one of my funnel emails and in-depth trainings on creating simple funnels in your business

My high-converting sales page template and sales page, "musts."

The exact sales flow that I use to close 90% of my sales conversations, guaranteed sleaze-free

A detailed breakdown of my entire launch sequence from start to finish that you can steal


You also get access to...

Any and all additional pop-up programs, equinox or solstice ceremonies, moon rituals or circles  I run as well as paid masterclasses that drop throughout the year. 

i want in

" I don't have words for the lightness I feel because of Katy. It's like she came in and pulled down boards from windows I forgot even existed to let the light in, and suddenly I m feeling so much possibility. Without the hustle and without the force. I am coming home to myself, and my god this is a beautiful home. If you even need proof that people can feel your conviction and be changed by it. Katy is the proof."

Amanda had her first $100k month

"I tripled my income in the first three months working together. Katy's integrity is unmatched. She is an incredible human being and exactly the kind of woman you want to be close to if you are building a soul-led business with heart and strategy."

"Katy helped me give myself permission to be paid for the work I do and the spaces I hold"

" Working with Katy was one of the best decisions I ever made for my business and life. I first entered in on her mastermind and a VIP Day in Paris- within 3 months of joining Elevate I scaled to my first $43K Cash/$60K contracted month- just as I was flying to meet her in person. After working with her for the last year and a half- I have scaled Vital Mystic Digital Products to over $500K Cash Revenue in two years with organic growth (no ad’s) and have become the woman I always felt and knew I could be deep down. Katy is a really special mentor- and if you are on the fence- I suggest working with her in any capacity- being in her energy alone will be a complete vortex to harness your next level. Cannot recommend her enough!"

Camille scaled to half a million dollars in two years 

Are you ready for an entire year of devotion to yourself, your business and your magic?

Pay in Full


Daily telegram broadcast coaching

Access to The Method Resource Library

Every single course + program for an entire year

Bi-weekly community calls with Katy

$5000 PIF

One -time payment


Payment Plan


Daily telegram broadcast coaching

Access to The Method Resource Library

Every single course + program for an entire year

Bi-weekly community calls with Katy

Payment Plan


10 x $555 

- melissa

“If you're On the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best decision you can make.”

Still have questions?

Let's chat

You can send me a message on instagram by clicking the button below and Katy will personally jump in to answer and questions you may have before you enter this year long sacred business immersion. 

Chat here