There are those of us that continually hear the whisper of, “what’s next for me?”
Maybe you currently feel like you do have it all, your business is GREAT, but still, an ancient whisper keeps popping up asking, “so what now?” Or maybe your business feels frustrating, and sticky. Maybe you haven’t created the abundance you desire, maybe things feel cloudy, maybe you keep wondering what you’re missing, and you too are asking, “so what’s next?” The answer to that question lies in your remembering.
To come home to yourself. There is something so much deeper available to you. That question of, “what’s next?” Is your soul begging to be acknowledged. Begging for depth.That question is your ancient remembering of a time when the feminine was revered. When women weren’t expected to show up like men. To build businesses like men, and to hustle harder and prioritize making money over finding the depth of their power. You get to have both. The sacred and.
Coming back to a time when women were seers and oracles and wise women. When women practiced a deep connection to the earth, their intuition, the moon cycles, and bridged the gap between realms.
When women were plugged into the divine and were able to move through life using their conversations and connections with the non-physical as guides and support.
Your soul is begging to be acknowledged. I know you feel it. Your work now is to answer that ancient whisper. To tap Into your unbridled feminine power, connection, and intuition and uncover and eliminate anything that isn’t in alignment with who you truly are. And to discover what you were truly put here to do, and how you were meant to do it.