"You're standing in a forest, in a long black gown, there is smoke all around you, your job is to lift the veil for others."

This is exactly what one of my spiritual mentors said to me when we had a conversation about my spiritual gifts, my path in this world, and what I am meant to bring forward through my work. This is my gift to you. 

See, there are women who live and operate in front the veil. They are able to just go through the motions of showing up in life and business disconnected from the ancient wisdom, ignoring the whisper calling them into something deeper. They are running masterclasses, living in hustle but making great money, creating content and serving their clients on a surface level.

But then, there are those of us who feel the call.

The call to access something greater inside ourselves. To connect with something deeper, to tap into the magical and mystical that is woven into a beautiful tapestry all around us. Those of us who hear the whisper of their feminine power screaming to be unleashed, to emerge as our most magical, alive, integrated, soul-driven selves. Those of us who want to live on the other side of the veil. The side where you are connected to the ancient wisdom that lives deep in your bones. The side where you are lit up, in touch with the magic all around and inside of you, you are connected to your guides, you heal from your past lives, you live in alignment holding your power as a woman to build a life and business that is so much bigger than you ever dreamed. You have been feeling the call to go deeper than just building a business. You want depth, you want soul connection, you want to be diving deep into the depths of the unknown and the unseen to move into your highest self, to show up as her for you, your clients and the world every single day. Women were meant to walk the line between realms, to stand in their power, and bring it all to the world. 


There are those of us that continually hear the whisper of, “what’s next for me?”
Maybe you currently feel like you do have it all, your business is GREAT, but still, an ancient whisper keeps popping up asking, “so what now?” Or maybe your business feels frustrating, and sticky. Maybe you haven’t created the abundance you desire, maybe things feel cloudy, maybe you keep wondering what you’re missing, and you too are asking, “so what’s next?” The answer to that question lies in your remembering.

To come home to yourself. There is something so much deeper available to you. That question of, “what’s next?” Is your soul begging to be acknowledged. Begging for depth.That question is your ancient remembering of a time when the feminine was revered. When women weren’t expected to show up like men. To build businesses like men, and to hustle harder and prioritize making money over finding the depth of their power. You get to have both. The sacred and.

Coming back to a time when women were seers and oracles and wise women. When women practiced a deep connection to the earth, their intuition, the moon cycles, and bridged the gap between realms. 

When women were plugged into the divine and were able to move through life using their conversations and connections with the non-physical as guides and support.

Your soul is begging to be acknowledged. I know you feel it. Your work now is to answer that ancient whisper. To tap Into your unbridled feminine power, connection, and intuition and uncover and eliminate anything that isn’t in alignment with who you truly are. And to discover what you were truly put here to do, and how you were meant to do it.  

It's time to eliminate all of the noise and the lifetimes of conditioning that stifled your intuition and made you forget your power. 

I am a mama, a wife, and an intuitive business and energetics coach. I started my business in 2021, since then I have created over 7-figures in revenue, retired my husband, and moved part-time to Paris all while being a SAHM and working only 20 hours a week. I hit my first $100k sales month in early 2023 with a community of less than 2000, operating from a place of heart and feminine softness. I am a bit of an anomaly in the coaching industry. The business success I have created doesn't make any sense. Except, it really does. I am here to guide you home to yourself. To empower you with the simple business strategy to help you create unrealistic financial abundance in your life. When good women make good money they can change the world. I am here to lead you into deeper connection with your intuition, your ancient wisdom, and your soul gifts. The old paradigm of women running business like men is over, it's time for us to create a new paradigm for success. When I win, you win, we all win, and together we rise.

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this program will change your life

The fastest way to take away a woman's power is to exhaust her or make her doubt and hate herself. But, there was a time when women's power and connection to the unseen was revered. Priestesses and mystics and wise women were the first financial advisors and their gifts of sight and knowing were what guided  kings in times of war.

A new era is rising. An era where women are stepping out of the masculine paradigms that have been forced on us on for so long. Women are reclaiming their voices, their power, and their sovereignty. We are not just building businesses to make money and hustle and stay burned out with our light dimmed. We are building lives and business that honor all that we are. We are reconnecting to this ancient wisdom to bring our souls work to the surface.  I have seen it time and time again, when women connect to what they were put on this earth to do, connect back to their ancient wisdom and power, and show up unbridled, the money and the clients and the joy and the freedom follows. 

I want in

What you need now is to come home to yourself

What's inside

Here is a sneak peek of the Welcome Module pulled directly from inside the Spiritual Toolbox. This sample module goes through my heart for this offering, why this work deeply matters, and a little of what you can find inside the program. Whether you choose to utilize this to deepen in your own practice and awaken your own ancient wisdom and power, or you join me on this journey to integration and bring these sacred gifts to your own clients as well, there is something here for you. 

We kick off the Toolbox with access to three training videos with included meditations and attunements to clear and ground energy through your body, channel your highest self through scripting and meet and commune with your spirit guides. This is something I, and most of my clients, do daily. Through the work in the Daily Rituals you will quickly deepen your connection to the unseen and gain valuable insights about yourself, your soul gifts and the work you are meant to do. 

The Daily Rituals

Exactly what is inside the toolbox

Inside the next section of the toolbox you will find very specific meditations, attunements and activations with included training modules that you can use circumstantially in your daily life and for your business. These include energetic cord cuttings, money meditations, chakra clearings, voice and message activations, manifestation rituals, increasing capacity to receive, future self vision casting, navigating income dips, calling in new soul-aligned clients, trusting yourself, activating your intuition and more.

Sacred Attunements and Activations

In this section of the toolbox you will be guided through the deep work of connecting with your own feminine power through self-love and connection to self. Our bodies are sacred, you are the spell, you hold the magic, it's time to start showing up like it. In this section we talk about harnessing your own inner magic, cultivating beauty and connection, and it includes rituals to connect with your self, goddess bath rituals, and mirror work. 

Your Body is The Altar

Inside this module we will cover all aspects of divine and dark feminine energy and integrating it all. There are trainings and meditations on connecting with and using feminine archetypes in your business, as well as working with different goddesses in your practice. We also go deep into cyclical living, wheel of the year and what running a "feminine-led," business really means. 

Art of Feminine Business

There is hidden wisdom waiting to be excavated in the blueprint of your soul. In this section of the Spiritual Toolbox you will be guided into accessing your own past lives and going into the akashic records to learn, heal and uncover wounds, soul contracts and priceless information and keys to abundance and expansion in this lifetime. This is beautiful work to practice for yourself and bring to your client work as well. 

Akashic Records and Past Lives

My favorite module in the entire toolbox. Your big expansion is not on the other side of your love and light and positive affirmations. To be a fully integrated feminine being we have to feel safe to venture into the depths of the underworld, to let old parts of ourselves that need to die away go, and remerge back into the light. When you learn how to navigate your own death portals and extract the gifts and wisdom inside them, everything will change for you. This module includes trainings, meditations and attunements guiding you into integrating the beautiful shadow-y parts of yourself.

Shadow Work and Death Portals

In this bonus module you will be guided through seasonal, moon-based and time specific rituals, meditations and activations along with training modules to access divine wisdom and work with the phases of the moon, eclipses, equinoxes and solstice. 

Seasonal and Moonly Rituals

Inside The Spiritual Toolbox you also get access to an incredibly powerful (and fully separate) program of mine valued at $1111, The Uplevel. This course covers manifestations techniques, working with signs and synchronicities, laws of the universe, business and money energetics, leadership and holding space for others and so much more. This is an incredible bonus for the Spiritual Toolbox, and I knew it had to be included. 

Bonus From the Vault: The Uplevel

" I don't have words for the lightness I feel because of Katy. It's like she came in and pulled down boards from windows I forgot even existed to let the light in, and suddenly I m feeling so much possibility. Without the hustle and without the force. I am coming home to myself, and my god this is a beautiful home. If you even need proof that people can feel your conviction and be changed by it. Katy is the proof."

Amanda had her first $100k month

"I tripled my income in the first three months working together. Katy's integrity is unmatched. She is an incredible human being and exactly the kind of woman you want to be close to if you are building a soul-led business with heart and strategy."

"Katy helped me give myself permission to be paid for the work I do and the spaces I hold"

" Working with Katy was one of the best decisions I ever made for my business and life. I first entered in on her mastermind and a VIP Day in Paris- within 3 months of joining Elevate I scaled to my first $43K Cash/$60K contracted month- just as I was flying to meet her in person. After working with her for the last year and a half- I have scaled Vital Mystic Digital Products to over $500K Cash Revenue in two years with organic growth (no ad’s) and have become the woman I always felt and knew I could be deep down. Katy is a really special mentor- and if you are on the fence- I suggest working with her in any capacity- being in her energy alone will be a complete vortex to harness your next level. Cannot recommend her enough!"

Camille scaled to half a million dollars in two years 

"Katy is an absolute rare find, evidently caring deeply about her clients' progression and over delivering at every single touchpoint of her client care. From the moment I signed up to work with her, she not only provided high value packed resources covering everything from mindset shifts, business strategy and systems tailored to my individual needs, but gave me an extremely high benchmark of service and organization I will hold any future mentors to and also conduct my own business from."

I would 100% recommend working with Katy to others. She has been an absolute joy to work with and you would be hard pressed to find a coach as strongly equipped as her to take you to the next level of your business growth. From my perspective, working with Katy is a no brainer and well worth the investment. Think of it this way, what is it worth to you to have an entire year (perhaps more) of your business growth accelerated? Not to sound like a Mastercard commercial, but to me, that is priceless. 

"I have worked with many coaches in the past and nothing has compared to the work I did with Katy. She has a magic about her and the way she views and teaches business. You will leave this program forever changed."

Pay in Full

$1111 PIF

One -time payment


Payment Plan

Payment Plan


4 x $375

The Spiritual Toolbox is every piece of the puzzle you need to begin fully harnessing your power, your ancient feminine wisdom and your mystical, magical gifts to bring them to life within your own reality, to use them in your business, and to support your clients on a deeper level.

The toolbox  is for the woman who wants to learn the deeply sacred spiritual and mystical piece that is missing from so many other programs, and she wants to do it self-paced, on her own time, in her own space. If you are  craving deeper support, and want to also learn the strategic side of business from me, you are looking for the year long business immersion that includes The Method, The Spiritual Toolbox and bi-weekly coaching support with Katy. You need hop over and check out The Experience. 

The Experience

The spiritual program I wished existed...so I created it


The Spiritual Toolbox is for every single business owner, regardless of how much money you are making, where you are at in your business, or how deep your current spiritual practice goes. The only requirement is that you feel the call. 

Perfect. You can access deeper support by upgrading to The Experience (This is The Method + The Spiritual Toolbox + Bi-weekly coaching with Katy) or you can send me a DM on instagram to chat about 1:1 coaching or my high-level Mastermind Elevate.

Most people who go through this program experience amazing transformational results ( I have never had a refund request or complaint!) However, your results are up to you. I am only available for clients who are committed to growth, learning, implementation and leading themselves powerfully into their own expansion. Your results are completely up to you. 

All of the programs inside The Toolbox are dripped out as they are recorded, and you can move through them at your own pace. You get lifetime access to the programs and any future updates as well. 

This is not a facilitator or training program, but as  with any form of learning or deepening you receive from anyone as a guide, I trust that you will take what you learn here, practice it, master it, become deeply embodied with the information and make it your own before you would bring this work to your own clients. But, many of my own clients, who I have guided through this deepening have then gone on to offer these gifts to their own community as well. The goal here is to empower you to access your inner power, to unleash it and to bring it to the world as you see best fit for you. 

Still have questions?

Let's chat

You can send me a message on instagram by clicking the button below and I will personally jump in to answer and questions you may have before you enter this sacred container.

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